Incredibly charming animation. I wish I could do character design like that. I'm sure this game will be awesome for the art style alone!
Incredibly charming animation. I wish I could do character design like that. I'm sure this game will be awesome for the art style alone!
You have officially made my day thank you so much!:)
Amazing and funny with greatly detailed animation.
Im not much of a doctor who fan, but I love mlp and im looking foward to the next episode, im sure it'll be entertaining.
I am a selfish child racist tyrant sympahizing brony.
Haha, this is a well animated, funny animation but bronies aren't like this, because im a real bronie and i dont act like this lol. We are not like that!
Cool, just as with most madness animations it had good use of sound effects, great animation, casually funny humor and entertaining scenes.
I hate the fictional character Kirby than any character in the world, just wanted to express my awesome opinion. Anyway as for the review for the actual animation it was mildly funny, it had alright animation but it was a bit too long for me.
Old Skool
Joined on 5/30/10